Vol. 33 / No. 2

By: Robert J. Sharer, Loa P. Traxler and Julia C. Miller

The Copan Corte: A Window on the Architectural History of a Maya City: Reports from the Field

Sylvanus G. Morley referred to the river cut through the Acro­polis at Copan, Honduras, as “the largest archaeological cross-section in […]

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Vol. 35 / No. 3

By: Loa P. Traxler

A New Discovery at Copan: Reports from the Field

In the spring of 1992, University Museum excavators of the ancient Maya city of Copan made the remarkable discovery of […]

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Vol. 41 / No. 2

By: Ellen E. Bell, Loa P. Traxler, David W. Sedat and Robert J. Sharer

Uncovering Copan’s Earliest Royal Tombs

The royal tombs found buried deep within the core of the Acropolis are a potent source of information about Early […]

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