Vol. 11 / No. 2

By: Robert J. Sharer

Chalchuapa: Investigations at a Highland Maya Ceremonial Center

The archaeological ruins of Chalchuapa lie within a broad, fertile valley in the western por­tion of seldom-visited El Salvador, the […]

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Vol. 23 / No. 1

By: Robert J. Sharer

The Quirigua Project, 1974-1979: A brief outline of the development and structure of the research

In December 1973, after over one year of feasibility studies and negotiations in Guatemala, a contract forming the Quirigun Project was […]

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Vol. 23 / No. 1

By: Christopher Jones and Robert J. Sharer

Archaeological Investigations in the Site Core of Quirigua: Epigraphic and archaeological data now provide evidence of an occupation history spanning half a millennium

Quirigua’s dynastic and constructional history was of central concern to the site-core excavations. Since we last considered these topics (Jones […]

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Vol. 26 / No. 1

By: Robert J. Sharer

Alfred P. Maudslay: Pioneer Maya Archaeologist: A Review Article

A century ago the splendid ruins of Maya civilization, first made famous by the travel accounts of John Lloyd Stephens […]

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Vol. 27 / No. 3

By: Robert J. Sharer

Introduction – Winter 1985

The civilization created by the ancient Maya is recognized throughout the world as one of the most notable achievements of […]

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Vol. 27 / No. 3

By: Robert J. Sharer

Archaeology and Epigraphy Revisited: An Archaeological Enigma and the Origins of Maya Writing

In a previous paper (Sharer in press), I discussed the question of the origins of Maya civiliza­tion and one of […]

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Vol. 33 / No. 2

By: Robert J. Sharer, Loa P. Traxler and Julia C. Miller

The Copan Corte: A Window on the Architectural History of a Maya City: Reports from the Field

Sylvanus G. Morley referred to the river cut through the Acro­polis at Copan, Honduras, as “the largest archaeological cross-section in […]

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Vol. 41 / No. 2

By: Robert J. Sharer

Archaeology and History in the Royal Acropolis, Copan, Honduras

In a tropical valley on the western edge of Honduras lie the mas­sive ruins of Copan. Here Maya farmers once […]

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Vol. 41 / No. 2

By: Ellen E. Bell, Loa P. Traxler, David W. Sedat and Robert J. Sharer

Uncovering Copan’s Earliest Royal Tombs

The royal tombs found buried deep within the core of the Acropolis are a potent source of information about Early […]

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Vol. 42 / No. 3

By: Ellen E. Bell, Robert J. Sharer, David W. Sedat, Marcello A. Canuto and Lynn Grant

The Margarita Tomb at Copan, Honduras: A Research Update

In an earlier issue of Expedition (41[2]), we reported on the first five years of work in an Early Classic […]

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