Vol. 43 / No. 2

By: Victor H. Mair

The Case of the Wayward Oracle Bone

Late last summer (2000), when I returned to my office from a research trip to China, a message was waiting for me […]

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Vol. 52 / No. 3

By: Victor H. Mair

The Mummies of East Central Asia

In 1988, while visiting the Ürümqi Museum in China, I came upon an exhibition which changed the course of my […]

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Photo of mummy

Vol. 58 / No. 2

By: Victor H. Mair

Ancient Mummies of the Tarim Basin: Discovering Early Inhabitants of Eastern Central Asia

The mummies of Eastern Central Asia (hereafter ECA) first entered my consciousness in the summer of 1988. I had heard […]

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