Volume 2 / Number 1


On The Cover: Tiwi Burial Poles. Cover design by James House, Jr.

tiwi burial poles

Vol. 2 / No. 1

By: James House, Jr.

Tiwi Burial Poles as Sculpture

Nothing in time so much alters the character of the concretion which is a work of sculpture as technological change, […]

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Museum Exterior

Vol. 2 / No. 1

Expedition News – Fall 1959

The 1959 season’s work of all three of the University Museum Expeditions to the Near East was completed by early […]

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picture of Froelich Rainey

Vol. 2 / No. 1

By: Froelich Rainey

To the Readers of Expedition

To the Readers of Expedition: Because of the increased interest in archaeology and the study of man, The University Museum decided, […]

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Photo of men standing by cellar holes.

Vol. 2 / No. 1

By: James B. Pritchard

The Wine Industry at Gibeon: 1959 Discoveries

In a Near Eastern country such as Jordan an archaeologist learns quickly that it is usually best to discount, if […]

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Vol. 2 / No. 1

By: Alfred Kidder, II

A Mochica Diety

This modelled stirrup-spouted vessel, painted in dark red on cream, is the Museum’s most recent acquisition in the field of […]

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Br. Butt and villagers

Vol. 2 / No. 1

By: William C. Brice

What the British are Doing

This article is the first of a series planned for Expedition to give our readers some knowledge of what other […]

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Vol. 2 / No. 1

By: Rhys Carpenter

The Clue of the Missing Feet

In 438 B.C. there was dedicated in the Parthenon at Athens the colossal gold and ivory statue of Athena, one […]

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Photo of Tiwi children

Vol. 2 / No. 1

By: Jane C. Goodale

The Tiwi Dance for the Dead

From April through August 1954, the National Geographic Society sponsored an expedition to Melville Island, Australia, led by Mr. C. […]

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