Volume 2 / Number 3


On The Cover: An Assyrian attack on a northwestern Iranian town shown on a relief from the Palace of Sargon II at Khorsabad.

Vol. 2 / No. 3

By: Jean Gordon Lee

A Korean Potter’s Masterpiece

Since 1916 a most unusual celadon vase has been in the Museum’s collection. Bought through Joseph Duveen at the time […]

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picture of Froelich Rainey

Vol. 2 / No. 3

By: Froelich Rainey

The Changing Face of Archaeology

Sweeping in over the roof of the jungle, a twin-engined passenger plane settles down on the landing strip hacked out […]

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Museum Exterior

Vol. 2 / No. 3

Expedition News – Spring 1960

Leptis Magna Mr. Brandon Barringer who, with the Museum, is sponsoring the exploration of this site in Libya has given […]

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Vol. 2 / No. 3

By: Kenneth D. Matthews, Jr.

The Embattled Driver in Ancient Rome

As a driver do you become annoyed with present-day traffic conditions? Most probably you do and the same may be […]

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Vol. 2 / No. 3

By: John L. Cotter

Digging an Historical Shrine: Philadelphia's Independence Park

Every now and then a sudden gleam comes to an archaeologist’s eye as he searches a palaeolithic cave deposit, or […]

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Vol. 2 / No. 3

By: David Crownover

The Pink People

Europeans occur in the tribal art of Nigeria as far back as the 17th century when Portuguese sailors navigated the […]

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People laying brickwork.

Vol. 2 / No. 3

By: Robert H. Dyson, Jr.

The Death of a City

Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the […]

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