Volume 3 / Number 3


On The Cover: An Egyptian figure from one of the columns of the Palace of Merenptah at Memphis faces a late Pre-Conquest Mexican warrior. Together they symbolize the arcaheological work in the Old and the New World for which the Museum is famous.

Vol. 3 / No. 3

By: Robert H. Dyson, Jr.

An Iranian Gold Piece

Herodotus tells us that when the Persian fleet was wrecked off Magnesia in Thessaly in 492 B.C. on its way […]

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photo of kids.

Vol. 3 / No. 3

By: Robbins Burling

Boys of the Yellow Robe

Last spring I spent a few weeks in Hopong, a market town in the Shan States of Burma. The town […]

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Vol. 3 / No. 3

By: Marija Gimbutas

“Timber-graves” in Southern Russia: The Second in a Series on Expeditions Around the World.

As a result of the intrusion of the Kimmerians and Scythians from southern Russia in the late eighth and seventh […]

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Vol. 3 / No. 3

By: G. Roger Edwards

An Ivory Gorgoneion

Of all the sculptural work of Greek antiquity, that in ivory is among the least well known to us from […]

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Vol. 3 / No. 3

Expedition News – Spring 1961

Tikal, Guatemala The Expedition at Tikal which has been at work since the end of January will close its 1961 […]

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Vol. 3 / No. 3

By: Margaret L. Arnott

Easter Eggs and Easter Bread of Southeastern Pennsylvania

Among folklorists it is a well known fact that one does not look in the center to find traditions but […]

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