Volume 5 / Number 4


Vol. 5 / No. 4

By: Frances Eyman

An Unusual Winnebago War Club and An American Water Monster

In 1839, Caleb W. Pusey, scion of a prominent Philadelphia family, was in the Winnebago country of Wisconsin, taking part […]

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Vol. 5 / No. 4

By: Miguel Civil

Sumerian Harvest Time

Busy with important researches such as establishing a tight chronological frame for Mesopotamian history, clarifying the role of the various […]

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Photo of table-alter and men on the excavation team

Vol. 5 / No. 4

By: Ian Graham

Across the Peten to the Ruins of Machaquila

Any student of the Maya civilization will be aware of how incomplete a record there is of the ancient ceremonial […]

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Vol. 5 / No. 4

By: Kenneth D. Matthews, Jr.

Saffron and Swan’s Grease

Beauty may well be in the eye of the beholder but for thousands of years many persons have felt it […]

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Vol. 5 / No. 4

By: Ruben E. Reina

The Potter and The Farmer: The Fate of Two Innovators in a Maya Village

Chinautla is a small Maya town of approximately 1500 people, descendants of the Pokomam-speaking group which once occupied large portions […]

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