Volume 6 / Number 3


Special Edition: India, Pakistan, and Ceylon

Vol. 6 / No. 3

By: A. Ghosh

Archaeology in India

Official archaeology in India is now over a century old: in December 1961 the Archaeological Survey of India, a Government […]

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Vol. 6 / No. 3

By: Samuel Noah Kramer

The Indus Civilization and Dilmun, the Sumerian Paradise Land

One of the most significant and impressive archaeological achievements of the twentieth century centers around the discovery of the ancient […]

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Vol. 6 / No. 3

By: Arthur C. Clarke

Ceylon and the Underwater Archaeologist

Ceylon, where I have lived since 1956, is almost a virgin territory for the underwater archaeologist. My partner, Mike Wilson, […]

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Vol. 6 / No. 3

By: Peter Throckmorton

The Great Basses Wreck

When I arrived in Ceylon, a great deal of preliminary research had been done by Arthur Clarke and Mike Wilson […]

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Vol. 6 / No. 3

By: W. Norman Brown

The Indian Games of Pachisi, Chaupar, and Chausar

The Museum of the University of Pennsylvania owns several “boards”–they are actually made of cloth–used for playing the games known […]

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Vol. 6 / No. 3

By: George F. Dales

The Mythical Massacre at Mohenjo-Daro

Nothing delights the archaeologist more than excavating the ruins from some ancient disaster–be it a flood, earthquake, invasion, or massacre. […]

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Vol. 6 / No. 3

By: F.A. Khan

Archaeology in Pakistan

Pakistan has been a cradle of civilizations through the ages. It possesses one of the oldest and most distinguished cultural […]

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