Volume 7 / Number 4


On The Cover: Arrow-shaped dice of cottonwood, from the Piegan band of Blackfoot, Montana. Collection Object Number: 45-15-1277A-N


Vol. 7 / No. 4

By: Frances Eyman

American Indian Gaming Arrows and Stick-Dice

Games and gambling seem to be world-wide in their appeal. Only the most archaic of hunting cultures, those of the […]

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Vol. 7 / No. 4

By: George F. Dales

Civilization and Floods in the Indus Valley

In addition to Dr. Dales as Field Director, the official staff included the Museum’s architect Aubrey Trik and Stephen Rees-Jones […]

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Vol. 7 / No. 4

Current University Museum Research – Summer 1965

ALASKA – Carrying on the excavation of the Onion Portage site in the vicinity of Ambler, North Alaska, under the […]

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Vol. 7 / No. 4

By: Alfred Kidder, II

Two Stone Figures from the Andes: Question: What Part?

One of the most exasperating but at the same time challenging things that can happen to an archaeologist working in […]

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Photo of people over skeleton

Vol. 7 / No. 4

By: James B. Pritchard

A Cosmopolitan Culture of the Late Bronze Age

Surely them ost surprising and possibly the most significant result achieved from two seasons of digging at Tell es-Sa’idiyeh was […]

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Vol. 7 / No. 4

By: Frances W. James

A Milestone in Palestinian Archaeology

The University Museum takes pleasure in congratulating the Palestine Exploration Fund on its centenary and in recording its appreciation of […]

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Photo of young girl

Vol. 7 / No. 4

By: Kenneth M. Kensinger

The Cashinahua of Southeastern Peru

The Cashinahua, classified linguistically as Panoan, live along the Curanja River of southeastern Peru and along upper reaches of the […]

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