Volume 8 / Number 4


On The Cover: Gold jewelry in a recently purchased Early Bronze Age collection.

Vol. 8 / No. 4

By: George F. Bass

Troy and Ur: Gold Links Between Two Ancient Capitals

The early Bronze Age in much of the Aegean, Near East, and Eastern Europe might better be called the Early […]

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Vol. 8 / No. 4

By: Elisabeth W. Russell

The “Vanished American”

During the summer of 1966 there has been an exhibition at the University Museum of Cigar Store Indians–25 figures borrowed […]

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Vol. 8 / No. 4

Current University Museum Research – Summer 1966

AFGHANISTAN – Reconnaissance and sherd survey to determine site of future work. George F. Dales in charge. ALASKA – Archaeological […]

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Vol. 8 / No. 4

By: Giorgio Buchner

Pithekoussai: Oldest Greek Colony in the West

The Ischia project, sponsored by the University Museum in close collaboration with the Superintendency of Antiquities of Naples, was started […]

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Vol. 8 / No. 4

By: Stephan F. De Borhegyi

The Wind God’s Breastplate

Any student of mythology knows that the many gods in the various religious pantheons of the world, as represented in […]

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