Volume 9 / Number 2


On The Cover: Fresh from a swim in the river, these three Cashinahua boys paused in their pursuit of mischief long enough for Dr. Walker to catch them with his "spirit snatcher."

Vol. 9 / No. 2

By: Ellen L. Kohler

Ultimatum to Terracotta-Forgers

On the shelves of the classical study-storage a remarkably beautiful terracotta figurine has stood for many years. The figure is […]

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Vol. 9 / No. 2

By: George F. Guillemin

The Ancient Cakchiquel Capital of Iximché

Guatemala, when thought of archaeologically, usually recalls rainforests and the ruined temples and palaces of a Piedras Negras or a Tikal. For […]

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Vol. 9 / No. 2

By: Keith A. Dixon

The First Tikal-Inspired Fake: A Stone Sculpture from West Mexico

At Tikal, Guatemala, over the past ten years, the University Museum’s excavations have turned up some of the most spectacular […]

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Vol. 9 / No. 2

Current University Museum Research – Winter 1967

AFGHANISTAN – Final arrangements for a proposed archaeological project in Seistan next fall and winter, working on problems of contacts […]

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Vol. 9 / No. 2

By: Alfred Kidder, II

Percy Childs Madeira, Jr.: February 8, 1889 - January 29, 1967

Percy Childs Madeira was a member of the Board of Managers of the University Museum for thirty-six years and served […]

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Vol. 9 / No. 2

By: Kenneth M. Kensinger

Change and the Cashinahua

In the Summer, 1965 number of Expedition, we published a copy of the first letter written by a Cashinahua in his own […]

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Vol. 9 / No. 2

By: Francis E. Johnston, Richard L. Jantz and Geoffrey F. Walker

Physical Anthropology of the Cashinahua

As we have learned from the archaeological record, the American Indian is derived primarily from inhabitants of northeast Asia who […]

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