Volume 10 / Number 1


On The Cover: Sandstone block showing a group of musicians.

Vol. 10 / No. 1

By: Judy Birmingham

Pottery Making in Andros

When in 1966, it seemed likely that an expedition from Sydney might one day undertake archaeological excavations in the Greek […]

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Vol. 10 / No. 1

Current University Museum Research -Fall 1967

AFGHANISTAN – Beginning excavations in the Seistan region during early months of 1968. George Dales in charge. AFRICA – Excavations […]

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Photo of statue head.

Vol. 10 / No. 1

By: David O'Connor

Abydos: A Preliminary Report of the Pennsylvania-Yale Expedition, 1967

In February, 1967, a combined expedition of the University Museum and Yale University commenced excavations at Abydos in Southern Egypt, […]

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Vol. 10 / No. 1

By: Ray Winfield Smith

The Akhenaten Temple Project

Since October 1966, an expedition of the University Museum has been engaged in a study of polychrome relief-cut blocks from […]

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Vol. 10 / No. 1

By: Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

The Bronze Lady From the Sea

Visitors to the University Museum between October 16 and November 27, 1966, had the opportunity of admiring one of the […]

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