Volume 10 / Number 2


On The Cover: Carved fishing floats for catching flying fish. Only those sets of floats kept in the sacred canoe houses are carved with decorative flags. Those for household use are plain. Carver: Tasi of Gupuna Village, Santa Ana Island.

Vol. 10 / No. 2

By: James B. Pritchard

An Eighth Century Traveller

One of the most intriguing artifacts discovered in four seasons of excavation at Tell es-Sa’idiyeh in Jordan is the small […]

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Vol. 10 / No. 2

By: Lanny Bell

The Work of the University Museum at Thebes

On the west bank of the Nile, across from the town of Luxor and the Great Temple of the god […]

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Vol. 10 / No. 2

By: John Witthoft

Flint Arrowpoints: From the Eskimo of Northwestern Alaska

Introduction Knowledge of the Stone Age grows by slow steps. Tools and techniques of ancient men are unfamiliar to us, and we […]

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Vol. 10 / No. 2

By: William H. Davenport

Sculpture of the Eastern Solomons

With the special exhibition from the Eastern Solomon Islands (December 8 – May 31) the University Museum presents a new […]

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Vol. 10 / No. 2

By: Alfred Kidder, II and Linton Satterthwaite

J. Alden Mason: January 14, 1885—November 7, 1967

The death of J. Alden Mason brought sadness to all of his colleagues at the University Museum and to many […]

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