Volume 11 / Number 1


Special Edition: University Museum Field Work Part I

Vol. 11 / No. 1

By: Carleton S. Coon

Excavations at Yengema Cave: Sierra Leone

During November, 1965, Mrs. Coon and I excavated a cave at Yengema, Kono District, Southeastern Province, Sierra Leone. We were […]

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Vol. 11 / No. 1

By: George F. Dales

The South Asia Section

The South Asia Section can attribute its genesis in large part to a belief in the traditions of the ancient […]

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Vol. 11 / No. 1

By: Herbert L. Alexander

Alaska: Archaeology in the Atigun Valley

In 1966 the University Museum and the Society of the Sigma Xi supported a three-week survey of the Atigun Valley […]

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Vol. 11 / No. 1

By: William H. Davenport

Anthropology in the British Solomon Islands

Since 1964 field research in the British Solomon Islands has been primarily concerned with ethnographic studies. Last winter’s special exhibition […]

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Vol. 11 / No. 1

By: David O'Connor

Field Work in Egypt

The University Museum has at present three field expeditions active in Egypt, continuing a tradition of Egyptological research begun by […]

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Vol. 11 / No. 1

By: Rodney S. Young

Operation Gordion

After nearly twenty years of activity at Gordion it is perhaps well to look back, to recall the reasons for […]

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Vol. 11 / No. 1

By: Froelich Rainey


All of us who are interested in the story of the world’s many different civilizations must wonder at the ferment […]

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Vol. 11 / No. 1

By: James B. Pritchard

The Palace of Tell es-Sa’idiyeh

Since we began to excavate at Tell es-Sa’idiyeh in 1964 not a season has gone by without our gaining some […]

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Vol. 11 / No. 1

By: George F. Bass and Laurence T. Joline

Problems of Deep Wreck Identification

Readers of recent numbers of Expedition and the National Geographic are aware already of the University Museum’s search for two specific shipwrecks off […]

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Vol. 11 / No. 1

By: Ward H. Goodenough

Arts and Crafts in Truk

My first field work in the Pacific Islands was for seven months in the great complex atoll of Truk in […]

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Vol. 11 / No. 1

By: Alfred Kidder, II

The Conservation Program at Tikal

In 1956, when the Museum undertook the tremendous task of making a thorough archaeological study of the ruins of Tikal, […]

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Vol. 11 / No. 1

By: Ruben E. Reina

Sixteenth Century Guatemala: Archivos de Indias, Seville

After several decades of archaeological and ethnographic field work in the Maya area, the need to study, from an ethnographic […]

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