Volume 11 / Number 3


On The Cover: Detail of the funeral procession of the High Priest Nebwenenef.

Vol. 11 / No. 3

By: Kenneth D. Matthews

A Boy’s First Shave

Although it is suggested that this marble bust from the University Museum’s collections was found on Cyprus, the pleasant-looking young […]

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Vol. 11 / No. 3

By: Olga Linares De Sapir

Diola Pottery of the Fogny and the Kasa

Separated from the modern capital of Dakar by rivers and difficult roads, the Diola of the Casamance in southern Senegal, […]

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Vol. 11 / No. 3

By: Frances Eyman and John Witthoft

Metallurgy of the Tlingit, Dene, and Eskimo

Tlingit ethnographic collections include large numbers of copper objects in many types, most of them made from the commercial copper […]

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Vol. 11 / No. 3

By: Lanny Bell

Return to Dra Abu el-Naga

In the winter of 1968 the staff of the Dra Abu el-Naga Project once more assembled in Egypt, for another […]

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Vol. 11 / No. 3

By: Geoffrey Pearce

The Conservation of Wall Paintings in Tomb 35 at Dra Abu el-Naga

A preliminary examination of the walls and ceiling of Tomb 35 revealed that although its remaining plastered sections have suffered […]

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