Volume 11 / Number 4


On The Cover: Photograph taken by Gemini XI, published by Angelo Pesce in Gemini Space Photographs of Libya and Tibesti.

Vol. 11 / No. 4

By: Froelich Rainey

In Search of Egi Zuma

At the airport in Tripoli I met the three husky young Italians who were to accompany us into the desolate […]

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Vol. 11 / No. 4

By: William H. Davenport

Tahiti and the South Sea Legend

For two centuries popular impressions of Ta­hiti have been a blend of geographic fact and eth­nic fancy concocted to feed […]

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Vol. 11 / No. 4

By: Bengt Danielsson

The Exotic Sources of Gauguin’s Art

Non, mille fois non, l’artiste ne nalt pas tout d’une piece. Qu’il apporte un nouveau maillon a la chaine commencee, […]

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Vol. 11 / No. 4

By: Richard S. Field

Gauguin’s Woodcuts

Like many artists before and after him, Paul Gauguin used the medium of the print to re­capitulate and initiate ideas […]

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Vol. 11 / No. 4

By: Kenneth D. Matthews

Scutella, Patella, Paterna, Patina: A Study of Roman Dinnerware

Arranging an old-fashioned Roman orgy is not easy. Aside from certain perhaps awk­ward moral considerations there are other com­plications worth […]

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