Volume 12 / Number 1


On The Cover: Neck-handled amphora decorated with warriors and chariots. Attic, about 725-700 BC. Collection Object Number: 30-33-133

Vol. 12 / No. 1

By: Philip P. Betancourt

The Age of Homer: An Exhibition of Geometric and Orientalizing Greek Art

The Greek Bronze Age ended in violent disarray. Most of the Mycenaean fortresses were burned or abandoned within the space […]

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Vol. 12 / No. 1

By: George F. Dales and Louis Flam

On Tracking Woolly Kullis and the Like

Archaeology is a many-faced deity. It (she?) can smile benevolently upon you and order gold and fame to be rained […]

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Vol. 12 / No. 1

By: Gayle Wever

A Persian Puzzle: A Bronze Sword from Teheran

The ability to recognize modem alterations and outright forgeries is important to all students of archaeology. Consequently, in its training […]

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Vol. 12 / No. 1

By: David O'Connor

Abydos and the University Museum: 1898-1969

After its formation in 1887 the University Museum rapidly developed its role in the ex­ploration of extinct and living cultures […]

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