Volume 12 / Number 2


On The Cover: Temple II at Tikal as now restored.

Vol. 12 / No. 2

By: Pamela Hemphill

An Archaeological Survey of Southern Etruria

Southern Etruria lies in the volcanic hills north and west of the Tiber. This region was occu­pied by the Bronze […]

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Vol. 12 / No. 2

By: Froelich Rainey

Tikal: A Fourteen Year Program Now Completed

Writing for the Museum Bulletin in Decem­ber 1956 about our hopes and plans for the clear­ing, excavation, and consolidation of […]

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Vol. 12 / No. 2

By: Alan McPherron and Elizabeth K. Ralph

Magnetometer Location of Neolithic Houses in Yugoslavia

The first cesium magnetometer survey of prehistoric sites in Yugoslavia was carried out by Elizabeth K. Ralph in June 1969, […]

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Vol. 12 / No. 2

By: Ruben E. Reina, Annette B. Weiner and Edward O'Flaherty, S.J.

Ethnohistory and Archaeology in Colonial Antigua, Guatemala

The visitor to modern Antigua, Guatemala, receives the impression that he is stepping back into the Colonial period. The ruins […]

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