Volume 14 / Number 3


On The Cover: See Social Implications of Population Control" by Ward H. Goodenough.

Vol. 14 / No. 3

By: Elizabeth Kennedy Easby

Seafarers and Sculptors of the Caribbean

The original discoverers of the islands we all the Antilles or West Indies came at least 4000 years before Columbus […]

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Vol. 14 / No. 3

By: Ward H. Goodenough

Social Implications of Population Control

The cost of modern technology and of a high material standard of living confronts us with increasing insistence. Jean Mayer […]

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Vol. 14 / No. 3

By: Virginia Wayland

The Indian Looks at the White Man: Playing-card Portraits of the Old West

Anglo artists such as Frederick Remington and George Catlin and writers such as John Gregory Bourke and Josiah Gregg have […]

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Vol. 14 / No. 3

By: Wilhelm G. Solheim, II

Early Man in Southeast Asia

New discoveries by the Thailand Fine Arts Department-University of Hawaii Archaeology Program in Northern Thailand are well on the way […]

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Vol. 14 / No. 3

By: Roger Keesing

The Anthropologist’s Dilemma: Empathy and Analysis Among the Solomon Islanders

Just over a century ago white men in sailing ships began to carry off young Solomon Islanders from the coasts […]

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