Volume 14 / Number 4


On The Cover: Bronze helmet and knife of the Shang Dynasty, c.a. 1400 BC; a stamped brick from the wall of a mortuary chamber of the Han Dynasty, 206 BC - AD 220.

Vol. 14 / No. 4

By: S.A. Goudsmit

Not For the Art Trade

“What you dig up out of the ground is no good for the art trade.” This was the doctrine of […]

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Vol. 14 / No. 4

By: A. Gutkind Bulling

Archaeological Excavation in China: 1949-1966

Much too little is known in this country about archaeological work and excavations carried out in China since the People’s […]

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Vol. 14 / No. 4

By: Margaret L. Arrott

A Unique Method of Making Pottery: Santa Apolonia, Guatemala

From long before dawn on Thursday morn­ings the narrow dirt road leading from San Jose Poaquil through Santa Apolonia to […]

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Vol. 14 / No. 4

By: Valerio Cianfarani

The Necropolis of Campovalano: Mysteries of Middle Adriatic Culture

Recent excavations at Campovalano, in the Abruzzi region of Italy, have reaffirmed the exist­ence of a little-known culture which flowered […]

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Vol. 14 / No. 4

By: John D. Hedrick and Karen Goodrich-Hedrick

The Problem of Polynesian Origin

Who are the Polynesians? From whom did they derive? How were they able to reach the far-flung islands of the […]

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