Volume 15 / Number 1


On The Cover: Design motifs derived from New Britain shields.

Vol. 15 / No. 1

By: Loren Eiseley

Flight 857

Loren Eiseley, the well-known author, is Curator of Early Man at the Uni­versity Museum. This poem “Flight 857” is reprinted […]

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Vol. 15 / No. 1

By: Ann Chowning

Ceremonies, Shell Money and Culture Among the Kove

The Kove (or Kombe) have the reputation of being the most difficult people in the large island of New Britain, […]

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Vol. 15 / No. 1

By: Alfred Friendly and Eleni Karapanayiotis


A remarkable piece of archaeological detec­tive work—in effect the solving of a three-dimen­sional jigsaw puzzle—has “recovered” one of the few […]

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Vol. 15 / No. 1

By: Solomon H. Katz

Change…On “Top Of the World”

Introduction The Arctic ranks with the highest mountains and the broadest deserts as one of the most severe environments occupied […]

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Vol. 15 / No. 1

By: A. Gutkind Bulling

China: Archaeological Excavations, 1966-1971

When in the spring of 1966 the People’s Re­public of China stopped the publication of all archaeological journals all of […]

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