Volume 15 / Number 3


On The Cover: Ashanti gold beads.

Vol. 15 / No. 3

By: David Crownover

Gold Beads From the Gold Coast

Hutchinson, in his diary, part of Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee, published by Thomas Bowdich in 1819, paints […]

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Vol. 15 / No. 3

By: Sheila McNally

Digging in Diocletian’s Palace

Since 1968 a team from the Town Planning Institute of Dalmatia and the University of Minne­sota has been excavating in […]

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Vol. 15 / No. 3

By: Charles F. Bridgman

The Radiography of Museum Objects

The radiography of museum objects is not a new application of the scientific use of x-rays. In fact, in 1896, […]

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Vol. 15 / No. 3

By: Alfred Friendly

Recent Excavations in Jerusalem

Four years of intensive work by Israeli archaeologists in the Old City of Jerusalem—where professional expertise has been inspired by […]

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