Volume 16 / Number 1


On The Cover: See The Bronze Age Boats of North Ferriby, Yorkshire by E. V. Wright.

Vol. 16 / No. 1

By: E.V. Wright

The Bronze Age Boats of North Ferriby, Yorkshire

Not many of us are lucky enough to be able to conduct “expeditions” from our own doorstep—although I have a […]

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Vol. 16 / No. 1

By: McGuire Gibson

Nippur 1972-1973

Southern Iraq, ancient Sumer and Akkad, is a land of contrasts. Rapid modernization has brought tractors, new crops, and indus­trial […]

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Vol. 16 / No. 1

By: Maurizio Tosi and Marcello Piperno

Lithic Technology Behind the Ancient Lapis Lazuli Trade

In his concise essay on the Urban Revo­lution, V. Gordon Childe listed the ten basic attributes of any complex, quantitatively […]

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Vol. 16 / No. 1

By: Alfred Friendly

Modern Science and Ancient Egypt

Two of the most interesting archae­ological ventures now being conducted in Egypt illustrate at its most dramatic the application of […]

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Vol. 16 / No. 1

By: Theodore C. Grame

Sounding Statues: The Symbolism of Musical Instruments

What did he doe with her brest-bone? He made him a violl to play thereupon. What did he doe with […]

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