Volume 16 / Number 3


On The Cover: Motifs on the body of the chariot of Tuthmosis IV (about 1425-1417 BC).

Vol. 16 / No. 3

By: Frances W. James

Stone Knobs and Chariot Tracks

Among the Late Bronze materials from the University Museum’s excavation of biblical Beth Shan, 12 miles south of Lake Galilee, […]

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Vol. 16 / No. 3

By: Rodney S. Young

Phrygian Furniture From Gordion

Near the beginning of his history Hero­dotus tells us that “Midas son of Gordios, king of Phrygia was the first […]

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Vol. 16 / No. 3

By: John McDaniel

Professional Healthcare in a Montana Settlement of Peru

The settlement of Concepcion is recently founded, small (a total population of 212), and isolated. Located southeast of the town […]

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Vol. 16 / No. 3

By: Bernard Wailes

Irish Archaeology

The invitation to write an Expedition article on i was attractive, but reflection showed this to be an intractable task, due […]

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