Volume 16 / Number 4


On The Cover: An artist's conception of the work at Nippur during the Fall, 1973.

Vol. 16 / No. 4

By: William J. Robson

Peoples Who Perish

Because of ecological and environmental concerns, much attention has been given in the past few years to the erosion of […]

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Vol. 16 / No. 4

By: Marjorie Vandervelde

Meet the Chocos

From a small plane we looked down on tangled jungles of Darien Province, Panama. It was a green, undulating carpet […]

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Vol. 16 / No. 4

By: George Milton and Roberto Gonzalo

Jaguar Cult — Down’s Syndrome — Were-Jaguar

The region of the Gulf Coast of Mexico covering parts of the states of Veracruz and Tabasco was known to […]

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Vol. 16 / No. 4

By: H. Bartlett Wells

The Position of the Large Bronze Saws of Minoan Crete in the History of Tool Making

The production of reliable spring-temper steel in early times was a difficult and deli­cate process, so often attended with failure […]

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Vol. 16 / No. 4

By: McGuire Gibson

The Twelfth Season at Nippur

About the time a report on the eleventh season of the Oriental Institute’s expedition to Nippur was appearing in Expedition […]

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