Volume 17 / Number 3


Special Edition: New Hebrides and New Guinea

On The Cover: Original pastel drawings by Leslie Weightman, Norsup, Malekula, from her visit with the Small Namba in 1973. She is one of the few resident artists in the New Hebrides.

Vol. 17 / No. 3

By: John D. Hedrick and Karen Goodrich Hedrick

An Expedition to the New Hebrides

Melanesia—literally the black islands—stretches from New Guinea more than 4,000 kilometers southeastwards to Fiji. Some of the smaller islands in […]

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Vol. 17 / No. 3

By: Elizabeth Reed Dickie

Bislama: Pidgin English in the New Hebrides

New Hebrides is an area in the throes of rapid culture change. Being propelled into articulation with the Western world […]

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Vol. 17 / No. 3

By: Harold G. Levine

The Kafe: A New Guinea Highlands Group

From his ship off the southwest coast of Papua, the Dutch navigator Jan Carstensz observed and noted in his journal […]

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