Volume 17 / Number 4


On The Cover: Arcesilaus II, King of Cyrene, detail on the interior of a wine cup made in Laconia around 560 BC; today in the Bibliotheque Nationale.

Vol. 17 / No. 4

By: Karen S. Rubinson

Herodotus and the Scythians

The Greek historian Herodotus (490/480-425 B.C.], in his History of the Persian Wars, included an excursus on the ethnography of […]

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Vol. 17 / No. 4

By: Alfred Friendly


In the past two years British archaeol­ogists have discovered and in some part de­ciphered more than 240 fragments of 1st […]

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Vol. 17 / No. 4

By: David S. Reese

Men, Saints or Dragons?

“There were giants in the earth in those days…” Genesis 6:4 During the Pleistocene epoch of pre-history (three million to […]

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Vol. 17 / No. 4

By: Tamara Stech Wheeler, Robert Maddin and James D. Muhly

Ingots and the Bronze Age Copper Trade in the Mediterranean: A Progress Report

The last twenty years have seen an in­crease in scientific studies of archaeological materials resulting from the desire for greater […]

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Vol. 17 / No. 4

By: Donald White

Archaic Cyrene and the Cult of Demeter and Persephone

The rapid outward movement of the ancient Greeks from their mainland homes between the 10th and 6th centuries B.C., first […]

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