Volume 19 / Number 1


Special Edition: Ethnology and Archaeology in Greece

Vol. 19 / No. 1

“Just Add Water…”

The dehydrated civilization of course cannot be instantly reconstituted by stirring in the appropriate quantity of water. Water must be […]

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Vol. 19 / No. 1

By: David Van Horn

The Archaeological Survey: Chipped Stone

It was very clear from the outset of the Argolid Exploration Project’s first intensive survey season in 1972 that many […]

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Vol. 19 / No. 1

By: Michael H. Jameson

A Greek Countryside: Reports From the Argolid Exploration Project

Ancient Greece, perhaps more than any other great civilization, was a culture of many small communities closely tied to the […]

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Vol. 19 / No. 1

By: Hamish A. Forbes

The Thrice-Ploughed Field: Cultivation Techniques in Ancient and Modern Greece

Despite occasional pronouncements to the contrary, soil and climate seem to be two of the most changeless aspects of continuity […]

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Vol. 19 / No. 1

By: Mary Clark Forbes

The Pursuit of Wild Edibles, Present and Past

The Present The pursuit of wild edibles has become a popular pastime in these days of organic gar­dening and macrobiotic […]

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Vol. 19 / No. 1

By: Harold Koster

The Thousand Year Road

As the parched and brittle wheat fields flashed by the window and familiar smells of rock rose, thyme and pine […]

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Vol. 19 / No. 1

By: Joan Bouza Koster

From Spindle to Loom: Weaving in the Southern Argolid

In almost every Greek village black and white kerchiefed women cluster at midday in the cool shade of the stone […]

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