Volume 21 / Number 1


On The Cover: Early Christian mosaic from basilica near Tegea in the Peloponnesus showing the month of August, after A. K. Orlandos, Christianika Mnemeia Tegeas, 1973.

Vol. 21 / No. 1

By: Keith DeVries

Diving Into the Mediterranean: Greek and Etruscan Paintings Reveal a Sport of Antiquity

A scattering of representations and an­cient written references, ambiguous or unhelpful when studied separately, reveal when brought together a not […]

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Vol. 21 / No. 1

University Museum Announcements – Fall 1978

Grant Received The National Science Foundation has awarded the University Museum a grant ii the amount of $61,337, effective Septembe […]

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Vol. 21 / No. 1

By: Martin Biddle

New Directions – Fall 1978: The Director Writes

In the Summer issue of Expedition, in writing about the University Museum’s collections, I touched on the question of acquisitions […]

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Vol. 21 / No. 1

By: Borislav Jovanovic

The Oldest Copper Metallurgy in the Balkans: A Study of the Diffusion of Copper from Asia Minor to Southeastern Europe.

The flourishing of copper metallurgy during the Eneolithic or Chalcolithic period in the Balkans and Carpathian Basin has led to […]

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Vol. 21 / No. 1

By: Elfriede R. Knauer

Toward a History of the Sleeved Coat: A Study of the Impact of an Ancient Eastern Garment on the West.

“Voici le prince Guillaume, futur prince héritier,  il est dans le plus extravagant et le plus complet uniforme de hussards rouges qui […]

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Vol. 21 / No. 1

By: Hamish A. Forbes and Lin Foxhall

“The Queen of All Trees”: Preliminary Notes on the Archaeology of the Olive.

A visitor walking through a village in southern Greece early this winter might well hear ominous rumblings coming from the […]

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