Volume 21 / Number 2


Special Edition: UPM in Egypt--Past and Present

On The Cover: Meydum Pyramid completed about 2600 BC.

Vol. 21 / No. 2

The University, the Museum and the Study of Ancient Egypt

“The Eckley B. Coxe, Jr. Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania did solid but unsensational work in Nubia and then […]

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Vol. 21 / No. 2

By: Bernard Wailes

Editorial: Archaeological Salvage in Egypt: An Example of International Cooperation

This issue of Expedition is devoted entirely to the involvement of the Univer­sity Museum in Egyptology, from the 1890’s to […]

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Vol. 21 / No. 2

The University Museum Expedition to Dra Abu El Naga

Dra abu el Naga is the Arabic name for a site in Thebes, north of Deir el Bahri, not too […]

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Vol. 21 / No. 2

By: David O'Connor

The University Museum Excavations at the Palace-City of Malkata

Urbanism was an essential element in ancient Egyptian culture, for its pre­dominantly rural society was held together, and its extraordinary […]

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Vol. 21 / No. 2

By: Donald B. Redford

The Akhenaten Temple Project and Karnak Excavations

Scholarly study of the reign of Akhena­ten, pharaoh of Egypt (ca. 1375-1357 B.C.), has focused with justification on the last […]

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Vol. 21 / No. 2

By: William Kelly Simpson

The Pennsylvania-Yale Giza Project

The story of the Pennsylvania-Yale Project at Giza takes us back to the be­ginning of American archaeological work in Egypt. […]

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Vol. 21 / No. 2

The Egyptian Collection

The Egyptian collection of the University Museum came into being during the last decade of the 1800’s. It was then […]

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Vol. 21 / No. 2

By: David O'Connor

Abydos: The University Museum-Yale Expedition

The provincial centers of ancient Egypt were vital elements in its political, eco­nomic and religious systems and their re­mains reflect […]

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Vol. 21 / No. 2

The Museum in the Field

“To be a good (archaeological) finder one needs a peculiar quality which is not altogether erudition—the hog which is most […]

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Museum Exterior

Vol. 21 / No. 2

The Egyptian Antiquities Organisation

The Egyptological achievements of the University Museum owed much to the generosity of Eckley B. Coxe, Jr. and to the […]

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Museum Exterior

Vol. 21 / No. 2

University Museum Announcements – Winter 1979

Museum Institute for Conservation Archaeology (MICA) The Museum Institute for Conservation Archaeology (MICA) has been formed at the University Museum, University […]

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Museum Exterior

Vol. 21 / No. 2

By: Martin Biddle

New Directions – Winter 1979: The Director Writes

In the last issue I wrote about the great size of our collections, the invisible nine-tenths—if not ninety-nine hundredths—of the […]

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Vol. 21 / No. 2

By: Chester Beatty, IV

Eckley Brinton Coxe, Jr.

Not many men would, some sixty years after their death, be celebrated by a great research institution, but Eckley B. […]

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Vol. 21 / No. 2

By: David O'Connor and David Silverman

The University Museum in Egypt: The Past

Introduction “Do not reproach someone older than you, for he has seen the Sun before you.” The Instruction of Amenemope, […]

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