Volume 23 / Number 1


Special Edition: Quirigua--Classic Maya Center

On The Cover: Quirigua Monument 16 ("Zoomorph P"), dated to AD 795, perhaps commemorating the death of a local ruler, is often considered to be the finest stone carving created by the ancient Maya.

Vol. 23 / No. 1

By: Robert J. Sharer

The Quirigua Project, 1974-1979: A brief outline of the development and structure of the research

In December 1973, after over one year of feasibility studies and negotiations in Guatemala, a contract forming the Quirigun Project was […]

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Vol. 23 / No. 1

By: Christopher Jones and Robert J. Sharer

Archaeological Investigations in the Site Core of Quirigua: Epigraphic and archaeological data now provide evidence of an occupation history spanning half a millennium

Quirigua’s dynastic and constructional history was of central concern to the site-core excavations. Since we last considered these topics (Jones […]

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Vol. 23 / No. 1

By: Edward M. Schortman

Archaeological Investigations in the Lower Montagua Valley: Survey and excavations have revealed marked differences between Quirigua and the other major centers in this valley

The lower Motagua valley, situated in the tropical lowlands of Guatemala between the major Maya site of Quirigua and the […]

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Vol. 23 / No. 1

By: Wendy Ashmore

Discovering Early Classic Quirigua: A Unique Opportunity to Examine an Important Sector of the Early Center

The discovery came, one could say, just in the nick of time. The Quirigua Project had been scheduled to run […]

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Vol. 23 / No. 1

By: Martin Biddle

New Directions – Fall 1980: The Director Writes

The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania voted on 6 December 1887 to send ‘an exploring expedition to Babylon’—perhaps the […]

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Vol. 23 / No. 1

University Museum Announcements – Fall 1980

A Masai Exhibition As part of the Black Centennary (1879­-1980) celebration at Penn, The University Museum will present a traveling […]

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Vol. 23 / No. 1

By: Wendy Ashmore

The Classic Maya Settlement at Quirigua: Recent Agricultural Activities Have Helped Reveal the Extent of the Buried Settlement

Ever since the visit of Frederick Cather­wood in 1840, scholars and laymen alike have been attracted to the Maya ruins […]

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