Volume 23 / Number 3


On The Cover: Compressing xuupej (black salt) by pounding with a wooden mallet as the water evaporates with heating. Photo by Ruben E. Reina and John Monaghan.

Vol. 23 / No. 3

By: Maria C. Shaw

Sir Arthur Evans At Kommos: A Cretan Village Remembers its Past

The four elderly gentlemen shown in Figs. 3, 7, 9, 10 have a few things in com­mon. Their ages range […]

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Vol. 23 / No. 3

By: Ruben E. Reina and John Monaghan

The Ways of The Maya: Salt Production in Sacapulas, Guatemala

Guatemalans of Maya ancestry, living in rural communities, possess a wide variety of skills and technologies for the manu­facture of […]

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Vol. 23 / No. 3

By: Michael Parrington

Medical Archaeology in Philadelphia: A Study of Early Twentieth Century Medicine Bottles Excavated at Bartram's Garden

Introduction Bartram’s Garden, located on the Schuylkill River in Southwest Philadelphia, was the home of John Bartram, the eighteenth century […]

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Vol. 23 / No. 3

By: Ilene M. Nicholas

Investigating An Ancient Suburb: Excavations at the TUV Mound, Tal-e-Malyan, Iran

Archaeology is often described as the science of the human past, a discipline which seeks to explain such complex phenomena […]

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Vol. 23 / No. 3

University Museum Announcements – Spring 1981

Appointments James A. Sauer will take up his duties as Associate Curator-in-charge of Syro-Palestinian Archaeology in July. He obtained his […]

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Vol. 23 / No. 3

By: Martin Biddle

New Directions – Spring 1981

For over ninety years The University Museum has been digging ancient sites and studying contemporary traditional communities virtually alI over […]

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