Volume 24 / Number 2


On The Cover: Chachet Baining, Walmatki village, two composite helmet masks used in the day dance. Photo by George A. Corbin.

Vol. 24 / No. 2

By: George A. Corbin

Chachet Baining Art: In a Day and Night Dance Celebration at Walmatki Village on the Gazelle Peninsula, East New Britain, Papua New Guinea

The Chachet Baining people live in the northwestern area of the Gazelle Peninsula. They have long been known for their […]

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Vol. 24 / No. 2

By: William H. Davenport

A History of the Museum’s Polynesian Collection: The Curators Write

On January 28th the Museum will open a new permanent exhibition called “Poly­nesia.” The new exhibition replaces one called “Oceania,” […]

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Vol. 24 / No. 2

By: Edward F. Wente

Funerary Beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians: An Interpretation of the Burials and the Texts

Some Egyptologists feel that mummies create a false impression of an ancient people preoccupied with death and morbid­ity, and therefore […]

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Vol. 24 / No. 2

By: Bernard V. Bothmer

On Realism in Egyptian Funerary Sculpture: Of the Old Kingdom

Among the major arts associated with the funerary cults of ancient Egypt—sculp­ture, relief and painting—none gives us a deeper understanding […]

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Vol. 24 / No. 2

By: Robert M. Hill, II

Ancient Maya Houses: At Cauinal and Pueblo Viejo Chixoy el Quiche, Guatemala

The unique combination of Maya chron­icles, e.g. the Popol Vuh and Annals of the Cakchiquels, descriptions written by Spanish friars […]

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