Volume 24 / Number 3


On The Cover: Attic red-figure bell krater, late 5th century BC. The scene shows a sacrifice before the idol of Chryse which is placed on a column behind the burning altar. Photo courtesy of Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Acc. no. 1144.

Vol. 24 / No. 3

By: Robert M. Hill, II

Ancient Maya Houses: At Cauinal and Pueblo Viejo Chixoy, el Quiche, Guatemala — II

INTRODUCTORY NOTE The text of this article, with accompanying photographs, was published in the last issue of Expedition: Vol. 24, […]

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Vol. 24 / No. 3

By: Nicholas Freidin

Early Iron Age Luxury Imports: Into the Paris Basin

Introduction The study of Early Iron Age luxury bronze imports in Trans-Alpine Europe has tended to spotlight the better-documented regions […]

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Vol. 24 / No. 3

By: Robert L. Trescher

A New Director of the University Museum: Robert H. Dyson, Jr.

At the end of the decade, the University will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Museum, and […]

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Vol. 24 / No. 3

By: Irene Bald Romano

Early Greek Idols: Their Appearance and Significance in the Geometric, Orientalizing and Archaic Periods

For many the sculpture of ancient Greece is almost a synonym for Greek culture itself. Sculpture did indeed play an […]

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Vol. 24 / No. 3

By: Gretchen Anderson Gwynne

Pipestave Hollow Ideography: Possible Calendrical Notations from the Northeast

Alexander Marshack (1972) has argued that some incised designs on Old World artifacts—mainly from the Upper Palaeo­lithic—were notational and, in […]

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Vol. 24 / No. 3

By: Arthur Miller

Archaeological Looting: A New Approach to the Problem

Introduction On September 18, 1981, Guatemala and its partner in archaeological research, The University Museum, suffered an indirect attack by […]

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Vol. 24 / No. 3

By: Erle Leichty

The Sumerian Dictionary: The Curators Write

Just above the Kress gallery in the north­east corner of The University Museum lies a little frequented area of the […]

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