Volume 25 / Number 2


Vol. 25 / No. 2

By: Mary Elizabeth Ruwell and Eleanor M. King

Rediscovering the Eskimo: From the Archives

The University Museum Archives repre­sents a unique resource for researchers in archaeology, anthropology, history, classics and related fields. A preliminary […]

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Vol. 25 / No. 2

By: Sandra T. Barnes and Paula Ben-Amos

Benin, Oyo, and Dahomey: Warfare, State Building, and the Sacralization of Iron in West African History

Note This article was intended originally for EXPEDITION 25 no. 1 (Fall 1902), the special issue on Archaeometallurgy. For reasons […]

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Vol. 25 / No. 2

By: Albert J. Ammerman

Early Italian Pottery: Five Vessels from a Neolithic Household in Calabria

Pottery is a standard item for archaeolog­ical analysis—it was made by most later prehistoric and historic societies, it dis­plays a […]

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Vol. 25 / No. 2

By: Daniel Martin Virasco

Irrigation in an Arabian Valley: A System of Highland Terraces in the Yemen Arab Rep

The popular image of Arabia is of an arid landscape peopled with nomadic Bedouins riding their camels through the sandy […]

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Vol. 25 / No. 2

By: Roderick J. McIntosh and Susan Keech McIntosh

Forgotten Tells of Mali: New Evidence of Urban Beginnings in West Africa

The regular reader of Expedition and, almost certainly, every professional archae­ologist has at one time or another experi­enced the spell […]

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Vol. 25 / No. 2

By: Robert H. Dyson, Jr.


The many volunteers who participate in the wide range of activities of the Univer­sity Museum form an indispensable resource in […]

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