Volume 25 / Number 4


On The Cover: Drawing of the front frame face and decorative supports for the top of the 'Pagoda' Table from Tumulus MM at Gordion, Turkey. Drawing by Elizabeth Simpson.

Vol. 25 / No. 4

By: Elfriede Regina Knauer

The Fifth Century A.D. Buddhist Cave Temples At Yün-Kang, North China: A Look at Their Western Connections

The Yün-kang caves belong to a string of early Buddhist cave temples that stretches across northern China from Kansu in […]

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Vol. 25 / No. 4

By: Mary Bert Gutman

The Women’s Committee: Its History, Aims, and Accomplishments

Introduction With the Centennial of the University Museum approaching, various projects on its history are under way, and some may […]

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Vol. 25 / No. 4

By: Elizabeth Simpson

Reconstructing An Ancient Table: The 'Pagoda' Table from Tumulus MM at Gordion

The University Museum excavations at Gordion in central Turkey were begun in 1950 under the direction of Rodney S. Young, […]

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