Volume 26 / Number 1


On The Cover: Two women of the Southern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea. Photo by Jordan M. Wright.

Vol. 26 / No. 1

By: Marilyn Goldberg

Tarquinia Antefixes: A View of the History of an Etruscan City-State

In The University Museum is a collection of architectural fragments from the Etruscan city-state of Tarquinia (Fig. 2), perhaps best […]

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Vol. 26 / No. 1

By: Jordan M. Wright

‘The Highland Show’: Mount Hagen/Goroka, Papua New Guinea

The highland regions of Papua New Guinea were virtually unknown to outsiders until explorations during the 1930s revealed that hundreds […]

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Vol. 26 / No. 1

100 Years of Research: The Approaching Museum Centennial

The University Museum has tried over the years to encourage an awareness of the richness and diversity of human culture, both […]

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Vol. 26 / No. 1

By: Philip P. Betancourt, Mary G. Ciaccio, Brigit Crowell, Jean M. Donohoe and R. Curtis Green

Ceramic Stands: A Group of Domestic and Ritual Objects from Crete and the Near East

Cylindrical stands for pottery were used by several ancient cultures in the eastern Mediter­ranean, but their development among the Minoan […]

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Vol. 26 / No. 1

By: Robert J. Sharer

Alfred P. Maudslay: Pioneer Maya Archaeologist: A Review Article

A century ago the splendid ruins of Maya civilization, first made famous by the travel accounts of John Lloyd Stephens […]

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Vol. 26 / No. 1

By: Erle Leichty, James Muhly, Barbara Murray, Martha Phillips, Jennifer Quick and Bernard Wailes

Geraldine Bruckner: An Appreciation by Past and Present Expedition Staff

Geraldine Bruckner, aged eighty-two and Expedition’s Associate Editor, died on 9 August 1983 after a short illness. It would be […]

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