Volume 27 / Number 1


On The Cover: At 6:00 in the morning, clouds still cover a valley in the Quetzaltenango region of Guatemala. Photo by Ruben E. Reina.

Vol. 27 / No. 1

By: Wang Ningsheng

Rock Paintings in Yunnan, China: Some New Light on the Old Shan Kingdom

The southwestern part of Yunnan Province of China, bordered by Laos and Bur¬ma, is a tropical and mountainous region. Many […]

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Vol. 27 / No. 1

By: Ruben E. Reina

A Maya Teacher: A Day of Fieldwork in the Mountains of Guatemala

Dedicated to the memory of Geral­dine Bruckner. April days in the year 1955 were extremely dry. Thin dust floated over […]

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Vol. 27 / No. 1

University Museum Research Projects – Spring 1985

Rojdi, India—excavation Director: Dr. Gregory Possehl (Asia Section, University Museum) Sponsors: University Museum, Gujarat State Department of Archaeology The third […]

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Vol. 27 / No. 1

By: Jeffrey A. Blakely and James A. Sauer

The Road to Wadi al-Jubah: Archaeology on the Ancient Spice Route in Yemen

The barren sand track leads south from the ancient silt fields of Marib through the sands of the Rub’ al-Khali, […]

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Vol. 27 / No. 1

By: Mary M. Voigt

Village on the Euphrates: Excavations at Neolithic Gritille in Turkey

Along the northern edge of he Mesopotamian lowlands ies a piedmont zone con­sisting of rolling plains with grassy steppe vegetation […]

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Vol. 27 / No. 1

By: David O'Connor

In Memoriam: Rudolf Anthes

Dr. Rudolf Anthes died peacefully on January 5th, 1985. in West Berlin: he was 89 years old. Dr. Anthes was […]

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Vol. 27 / No. 1

By: Callum Thompson

Dorset Shamanism: Excavations in Northern Labrador

Introduction In 1977, a Dorset Eskimo site on Shuldham Island in northern Labrador was found by a biologist intent on examining […]

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