Volume 27 / Number 2


Special Edition: Exploring 5000 Years of Athletics

On The Cover: Two Greek vases showing ancient athletic competitions. Left: Black-figure amphora depicting a boxing match, late 6th century BC. Collection Object Number: MS403 Right: Red-figure kylix with wrestling scene. 500-475 BC. Collection Object Number: MS2444 Photo by Fred Schoch.

Vol. 27 / No. 2

By: Donald White

Roman Athletics: Classical Antecedents to the National Mania

I: Contrasting Attitudes “Modern versus the Antique “In the Michaelmas term after leaving school, Tom Brown received a summons from […]

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Vol. 27 / No. 2

By: Murray C. McClellan

“To Play Properly With A Glass Ball”: An Unusual Object in The University Museum

A curious glass ball (Figs. 1, 3, 4) housed in the Mediterranean Section of The Uni­versity Museum helps us to […]

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Vol. 27 / No. 2

By: Christopher Jones

The Rubber Ball Game: A Universal Mesoamerican Sport

An extremely athletic sport was played by the Aztec, the Maya, and other peo­ples of Prehispanic Mesoamerica, that area of […]

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Vol. 27 / No. 2

By: Marshall Joseph Becker

Lacrosse: Political Organization in North America as Reflected in Athletic Competition

Introduction The increasing popularity of lacrosse on college playing fields and in other schools and clubs throughout North Amer­ica reflects […]

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Vol. 27 / No. 2

By: John L. Cotter

The History of Sporting America: Philadelphia Pastimes

Archaeological traces of sports are often ephem­eral, especially in North America. The Indians left a few ball courts, notably in […]

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Vol. 27 / No. 2

By: David Gilman Romano

Introduction – Fall 1985

One of the most popular aspects of modern western culture is its universal in­terest in sports and athletics. Our world […]

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Vol. 27 / No. 2

By: Ake W. Sjoberb

“Trials of Strength”: Athletics in Mesopotamia

Gilgamesh, the king of Uruk (modern Warka in southern Iraq), was on his way to the place where a couch […]

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Vol. 27 / No. 2

By: David Gilman Romano

Boycotts, Bribes and Fines: The Ancient Olympic Games

The modern Olympic Gaines are now one of the most widely publicized events in the world. In 1984, it was […]

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Vol. 27 / No. 2

By: Karen Brown Vellucci

Etruscan Athletics: Glimpses of an Elusive Civilization

Background The Etruscans represent one of the earliest examples of biased media coverage—a problem originating with the authors of antiquity […]

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Vol. 27 / No. 2

By: Donald White

The Game of Trigon

From Roman Athletics: Classical Antecedents to the National Mania “All at once we saw a bald old man [Trimalchio–Ed.] in […]

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