Volume 29 / Number 1


Special Edition: Museum Artifacts

On The Cover: Dukduk Lumlum on beach with a big man in traditional decoration, Southern New Ireland. Photo by Stephen M. Albert

Vol. 29 / No. 1

By: Alan Mann and Janet Monge

Technology of Casting

Making a Mold A mold of most fossil bones is made of two or more parts. When the design of […]

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Vol. 29 / No. 1

By: Salah Hassan

The Adrim or “Virginity Disc”: Marking the Passage to Womanhood in Siwah

In 1985 a handsome necklace from the Oasis of Siwah in the Western Desert of Egypt was donated to The […]

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Vol. 29 / No. 1

By: Stephen Epstein

The Sanusi

The Sanusi order, founded by Muhammad Ibn al-Sanusi (ca. 1787-1859), is part of the Sunni or orthodox branch of Islam. […]

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Vol. 29 / No. 1

By: Steven M. Albert

Tubuan: Masks and Men in Southern New Ireland, Papua New Guinea

Two rather obscure axes in The University Museum’s Melanesian collection (Figs. 1, 2) reveal interesting facets of a secret male […]

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Vol. 29 / No. 1

By: David O'Connor

The Earliest Pharaohs and the University Museum: Old and New Excavations: 1900-1987

Although the detailed discus­sion of a significant ancient art work or archaeological artifact can in itself be a fascinating exercise, […]

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Vol. 29 / No. 1

By: William D. Glanzman

Etruscan and South Italian Bird-Askoli: A Technological View

The pottery vessels of Classical antiquity represent some of the finest ever produced in the Old World. They come in […]

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Vol. 29 / No. 1

By: Jeanny Vorys Canby

A Monumental Puzzle: Reconstructing the Ur-Nammu Stela

The puzzle began with bits and pieces of limestone found in the 1920s at ancient Ur. Now part of the […]

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Vol. 29 / No. 1

By: Richard Zettler

The Empire of Ur-Nammu under His Descendants

Ur-Nammu established an independent state centered on Ur in 2112 B.C. After Ur-Nammu’s death, his son Shulgi expanded the territorial […]

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Vol. 29 / No. 1

The Worn “Back” Face: Isolated Scenes

In the new reconstruction, the top register shows the king in a common position of adoration, with one hand raised […]

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Vol. 29 / No. 1

By: Elisabeth Tooker

Frank G. Speck

Frank G. Speck In 1951, A. Irving Hallowell wrote an obituary of Frank Speck in Amer­ican Anthropologist. Following are excerpts […]

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Vol. 29 / No. 1

By: Elisabeth Tooker

The “Speck Iroquois Collection” in The University Museum

Among the objects of Iroquois manufacture in The Univer­sity Museum are a number collected by Frank G. Speck, some given […]

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Vol. 29 / No. 1

By: Alan Mann and Janet Monge

Reproducing Our Ancestors: The University Museum's Casting Program

A hundred and thirty-one years ago, quarry workers in the Neander Valley (“Tal” in German) came across the mineralized remains […]

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