Volume 30 / Number 1


Special Edition: Borneo

On The Cover: Borders, beaded design from a skirt, Taman, Kapuas River, Indonesian Borneo. P184. W. of band 22.0 cm, H. of beaded figures 10.3 cm. Carvings of the rhinocerous hornbill, probably Iban, Baran District, Sarawak. P815a, L. 77.5 cm, H. 47.5 cm. Collection Object Number: P815A Photo by John Taggart

Vol. 30 / No. 1

By: William H. Davenport and Adria Katz

Opening Statement

The opening of the exhibition “The Dayaks: Peoples of the Borneo Rainforest” marks the inauguration of The University Museum’s new […]

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Vol. 30 / No. 1

By: William H. Davenport

Borneo: Introduction

This issue of Expedition contains articles that focus on the island of Borneo and its peoples. It is being published […]

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Vol. 30 / No. 1

By: Adria H. Katz

Borneo to Philadelphia: The Furness-Hiller-Harrison Collections

In the years 1895-1903 William H. Furness 3rd, Hiram M. Hiller and Alfred C. Harrison, Jr., (Fig. 1) traveled extensively […]

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Vol. 30 / No. 1

By: Lucas Chin

Trade Objects: Their Impact on the Cultures of the Indigenous Peoples of Sarawak, Borneo

There are strong archaeological indications that the island of Borneo had begun to draw foreign traders and merchants to its […]

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Vol. 30 / No. 1

By: Herbert L. Whittier and Patricia R. Whittier

Baby Carriers: A Link Between Social and Spiritual Values Among the Kenyah Dayak of Borneo

At first glance, the baby carrier (ba’) used by the Kenyah Dayak of central Borneo appears to be simply a […]

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Vol. 30 / No. 1

By: Donald E. Brown

Tribe-Sulanate Relationships: Traditional Patterns of Rule in Brunei

An Overview The Late 19th century was a period of momentous change in Borneo. Dutch influence—spinning off from Holland’s control […]

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Vol. 30 / No. 1

By: Christine Padoch

Agriculture in Interior Borneo: Shifting Cultivation and Alternatives

Flying over the island of Borneo ( or Kalimantan as it is known to Indonesians), one feature of the landscape […]

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Vol. 30 / No. 1

By: Richard Allen Drake

Ibanic Textile Weaving: Its Enchantment in Social and Religious Practices

The weaving of attractive textiles is one of the freatures that distinguishes the Iabanic peoples of Borneo from neighboring Dayak […]

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Vol. 30 / No. 1

Selections From the Exhibition: "The Dayaks: Peoples of the Borneo Rainforest" February 25, 1989, to June 3, 1990

The Objects pictured in the following pages have been selected from several hundred pieces hat are on display in the […]

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Vol. 30 / No. 1

By: Timothy C. Jussup and Andrew P. Vayda

Dayaks and Forests of Interior Borneo

Borneo, largest of the Greater Sunda Islands in the Indonesian archipelago (Fig. 2a,b) and the largest island in the world […]

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