Volume 32 / Number 1


Special Edition: Textiles, Costume, and Ornament

On The Cover: Pipikoro artisan Tina Idjo and two daughters appliqued blouses of loomed cloth that she designed and sewed for traditional-style ceremonies. Photo by Lorraine Aragon.

Vol. 32 / No. 1

By: Patrick E. McGovern

The Ultimate Attire: Jewelry from a Canaanite Temple at Beth Shan

Tells el-Husn, ancient Beth Shari, was the first site to be excavated by The Univer­sity Museum in what is today […]

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Vol. 32 / No. 1

By: Nancy Micklewright

Looking at the Past: Nineteenth Century Images of Constantinople as Historic Documents

Unlace events in more re­mote periods (the Bronze Age, Classical Antiquity, or even the Renaissance), the events and people of […]

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Vol. 32 / No. 1

By: Ben Burt

Kwara’ae Costume Ornaments: A Solomon Islands Art Form

One of the things that im­pressed early European visitors to Solomon Islands was the way the people dressed themselves in […]

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Vol. 32 / No. 1

By: Lorraine V. Aragon

Barkcloth Production in Central Sulawesi: A Vanishing Textile Technology in Outer Island Indonesia

Before the invention or adop­tion of woven textiles, bark-cloth was used to clothe the human body in many, if not […]

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Vol. 32 / No. 1

By: Karen S. Rubinson

The Textiles from Pazyryk: A Study in the Transfer and Transformation of Artisitc Motifs

Winters are cold and sum­mers brief at the site of Pazyryk in the Altai Moun­tains of Siberia. Here, in a […]

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