Volume 33 / Number 2


Special Edition: Feathers in Native American Ceremony and Society

On The Cover: Hopi kachina figures: Ma'alo carried by Kweo (Wolf). Collection Object Number: 38853 Photo by Fred Schoch.

Vol. 33 / No. 2

By: Victoria Lindsay Levine

Feathers in Southeast American Indian Ceremonialism

On May 18, 1539, the Span­iard Hernando de Soto em­barked on an expedition to explore what is now the southeastern […]

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Vol. 33 / No. 2

By: Albert H. Schroeder

Early Accounts of Birds and Feathers Used by the Southwest Indians

Interpretation of prehistory is basically dependent upon ma­terial culture items recovered in association with features of different time periods and/or […]

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Vol. 33 / No. 2

By: Donald N. Brown

Indians, Feathers, and the Law in Western Oklahoma

In April of 1974, just as the summer powwow dancing season was beginning, twenty-eight residents of central and western Oklahoma, […]

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Vol. 33 / No. 2

Sacred Protection: Shields of the Plains and Southwest in The University Museum's Collections

In his article, Hall introduces the shield with a brief history of its use: “The round shield or target is […]

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Vol. 33 / No. 2

By: Marianne L. Stoller

Birds, Feathers, and Hopi Ceremonialism

“When we plant corn we place seven or eight seeds in each hole. Of course, we don’t need to grow […]

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Vol. 33 / No. 2

By: Robert J. Sharer, Loa P. Traxler and Julia C. Miller

The Copan Corte: A Window on the Architectural History of a Maya City: Reports from the Field

Sylvanus G. Morley referred to the river cut through the Acro­polis at Copan, Honduras, as “the largest archaeological cross-section in […]

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Vol. 33 / No. 2

By: Lucy Fowler Williams

The Calusa Indians: Maritime Peoples of Florida in the Age of Columbus: Behind the Scenes

The University Museum has an exceptional collection of artifacts from the Calusa site at Key Marco, Florida. The pelican, wolf, […]

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