Volume 34 / Number 3


Special Edition: Ice Age Europeans

On The Cover: An artist's rendering of an Upper Paleolithic European hunter, from Josef Augusta and Zdenek Burian, Prehistoric Man (London: Paul Hamlyn, 1960), Pl. 24.

Vol. 34 / No. 3

By: Randall White

The Earliest Images: Ice Age 'Art' in Europe

The term “Ice Age art” usually evokes images of painted caves. However, by the time the first cave was painted […]

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Vol. 34 / No. 3

By: Philip G. Chase

Introduction – Winter 1992

Ice Age archaeology has a special fascination, for it was during this time that our ancestors became fully human, both […]

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Vol. 34 / No. 3

By: Philip G. Chase

What Were the Ice Ages?

Humans, or at least the first members of our biological family, first arrived in Eu­rope at least 500,000 years ago. […]

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Vol. 34 / No. 3

By: Harold L. Dibble

Paleolithic Archaeology: The Search for our Human Heritage

The Paleolithic, or “Old Stone Age,” is a fascinating period of prehistory for anyone interest­ed in human origins and evolution. […]

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Vol. 34 / No. 3

By: Philip G. Chase

Language in the Ice Ages: When Did Europeans First Speak?

Using language is part of being human, and of all living species, we alone possess this ability. It is crucial […]

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Vol. 34 / No. 3

By: Nancy Minugh-Purvis

The Inhabitants of Ice Age Europe

Early European Origins The first inhabitants of Europe were not native to the region. Some 5 to 6 million years […]

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