Volume 35 / Number 3


Special Edition: Focus on Fieldwork

On The Cover: A young Kono girl. Photo by Michael Katakis.

Vol. 35 / No. 3

By: Barbara H. Roll

Pere Village

Pere is the home of the largest and most powerful clan on the south coast of Manus. In 1928 it […]

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Vol. 35 / No. 3

By: Kris L. Hardin

Representing Africa: Whose Story Counts?

Photographs have long been an important tool of cultural anthropologists. A quick survey of the anthropological literature shows visual images being […]

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Vol. 35 / No. 3

By: Eleanor M. King

Fieldwork in Brazil: Petrullo's Visit to the Yawalapiti

Preface Matto Grosso was tirst entered, by way of the Paraguay river, in the latter part of the sixteenth century […]

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Vol. 35 / No. 3

By: Vincenzo Petrullo

‘Among Friends’: Excerpt from Uni, an Unpublished Manuscript

As the narrative begins, we find Petrullo and his compan­ion, Arthur Rossi, encamped on. the bank of the Kuluene River. […]

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Vol. 35 / No. 3

By: Lee Horne

Return to Caracol: Behind the Scenes

In September of 1951. The University Museum received a 20­ton shipment of limestone monuments. most of them in frag­ments, from […]

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Vol. 35 / No. 3

By: Loa P. Traxler

A New Discovery at Copan: Reports from the Field

In the spring of 1992, University Museum excavators of the ancient Maya city of Copan made the remarkable discovery of […]

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Vol. 35 / No. 3

By: Lee Horne

Focus on Fieldwork: Introduction

This issue of Expedition focuses on five very different kinds of fieldwork projects. All are connected in one way or another […]

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Vol. 35 / No. 3

By: Barbara H. Roll

Loving a Village

In 1928 the newly married young anthropologists Margaret Mead and Reo Fortune lived for six months in a village called […]

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