Volume 36 / Number 2-3


Special Edition: The Northern Black Sea Coast in Classical Antiquity

On The Cover: The Byzantine basilica in Chersonesos, on the northern Black Sea coast. Photo by Vladimir Terebenin.

Vol. 36 / No. 2-3

The Ancient Greek World: The Rodney S. Young Gallery

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Vol. 36 / No. 2-3

By: Aleksey A. Malyshev and Michail J. Treister

A Warrior’s Burial from the Asiatic Bosporous in the Augustan Age

In antiquity, a significant part of the northern Black Sea coast belonged to the Bosporan state, with its capital in […]

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Vol. 36 / No. 2-3

By: Jeremy A. Sabloff

Musings and Visions from the Director’s Desk – Summer/Winter 1994

While media images of archaeologists come and go, from the pith-helmeted, absent-minded professor poring over piles of potsherds to the […]

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Vol. 36 / No. 2-3

By: Gregory M. Bongard-Levin and Yuri G. Vinogradov

The Northern Black Sea Coast in Classical Antiquity: New Discoveries

THE NORTHERN BLACK SEA LITTORAL was considered by both ancient and contemporary, scholars to exist on the remotest peripheries of […]

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Vol. 36 / No. 2-3

By: Michail J. Treister

A New Example of Ancient Metalwork from a Sarmatian Kurgan

The Sarmatian were Iranian-speaking nomads who, over the course of centuries, dominated vast territories from the Lower Volga area to […]

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Vol. 36 / No. 2-3

By: Yuri G. Vinogradov

A Maiden’s Golden Burial from Berezan, the Island of Achilles

A thanks-offering to Achilles Pontarkhos. O round booty in its glorious support of the gods, 0 island washed round by […]

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Vol. 36 / No. 2-3

By: Nina A. Leypunskaya

Olbia Pontica and the ‘Olbian Muse’

In the southern part of the Ukraine, not far from where the Bug estuary meets the Black Sea, the Ionian […]

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Vol. 36 / No. 2-3

By: Ekaterina M. Alekseyeva

Gorgippia: A Bosporan Polis in Ancient Sindike

In the 6th century B.C., Ionian and Aeolian colonists founded the first Greek poles (city-states) on the shores of the […]

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