Volume 39 / Number 1


On The Cover: Vintage scenes from the tomb of Nakht, western Thebes, dating to the end of the reign of Amenhotep II or beginning of the reign of Tuthmosis IV (ca. 1400 BC), after N. de G. Davies, The Tomb of Nakht at Thebes (New York, 1917), pl. 26. Photo courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 15.5.19e (facsimile painting), Rogers Fund, 1915.

Vol. 39 / No. 1

By: Helen Schenck

From the Editor – Spring 1997

Once hundred years ago, the University of Pennsylvania Museum put out its first periodical, entitled The Bulletin of the Free […]

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Vol. 39 / No. 1

By: Patrick E. McGovern, Ulrich Hartung, Virginia R. Badler, Donald L. Glusker and Lawrence J. Exner

The Beginnings of Winemaking and Viniculture in the Ancient Near East and Egypt

The origins of winemaking and viniculture are shrouded in the mists of human prehistory. Scenarios of how wine might have […]

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Vol. 39 / No. 1

By: Paul Yule

The Copper Hoards of Northern India

In 1870, while tending cattle, two young boys in the village of Ghangaria in central India noticed a long metal […]

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Vol. 39 / No. 1

By: David R. Starbuck

Military Hospitals on the Frontier of Colonial America

Health care in 18th-century America was radically different from today, and one of the greatest contrasts is in the role played […]

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Vol. 39 / No. 1

By: Adria H. Katz and Jennifer L. White

Betel Chewing Paraphenalia from Asia and the Pacific: Behind the Scenes

From the east coast of Africa through South and Southeast Asia to the islands of Melanesia, wherever the areca palm […]

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Vol. 39 / No. 1

By: Denise Schmandt-Besserat

Animal Symbols at ‘Ain Ghazal

Animal figurines are a familiar find on Near Eastern sites from the 9th to the 3rd millenni­um BC and from […]

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