Volume 39 / Number 3


On The Cover: In Eggi's village, kite time comes after the rice harvest and before the next planting, the only time when large spaces of dry flat land are available. Photo by Peggy Reeves Sanday.

Vol. 39 / No. 3

By: Donald White

Of Coffins, Curses, and Other Plumbeous Matters: The Museum's Lead Burial Casket from Tyre

Many have taken voluminous pains to determine the state of the soul upon disunion; but men have been most phantastical […]

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Vol. 39 / No. 3

By: Peggy Reeves Sanday

Eggi’s Village: Reconsidering the Meaning of Matriarchy

There are many living societies in the world today in which women hold positions of signif­icant power and authority in […]

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Vol. 39 / No. 3

By: Elin C. Danien

The Ritual on the Ratinlixul Vase: Pots and Politics in Highland Guatemala

One of the ironies of archaeology is that as it has matured and changed from what was called “antiquarianism” to […]

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Vol. 39 / No. 3

By: John Kantner

Ancient Roads, Modern Mapping: Evaluating Chaco Anasazi Roadways Using GIS Technology

The study of roads can provide archaeologists with information on prehistoric cultures that often cannot be discovered by digging in […]

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Vol. 39 / No. 3

By: Jeremy A. Sabloff

Musings and Visions from the Director’s Desk – Winter 1997

Looking at the rich array and diversity of the articles in this issue of Expedition, I was struck by the […]

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Vol. 39 / No. 3

By: Irene Bald Romano

No Longer the ‘Pitcairn Nike’: A Minerva-Victoria from Cyrene

Until about ten years ago, visitors to the University of Pennsylvania Museum were greeted at the top of the stairs […]

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