Volume 40 / Number 1


Special Edition: Pomo Indian Basket Weavers, their Baskets and the Art Market

On The Cover: Laura Burris Willum (1895-1919), a Pomo Indian basket weaver and her 3-rod coiled boat basket. Collection Object Number: NA7946 Photo by H. C. Meredith, ca. 1905. UPM Neg. No. S4-140386

Vol. 40 / No. 1

By: Pamela Hearne Jardine

Exhibition on Pomo Indian Weavers and Basketry

This special issue of Expedition is devoted to Pomo Indian ethnohistory and bas­ketry and accompanies the University of Pennsylvania Museum’s […]

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Vol. 40 / No. 1

By: Victoria Patterson

Change and Continuity: Transformations of Pomo Life

The towns and small cities of Northern California that cluster between San Francisco and Eureka are best known today for […]

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Vol. 40 / No. 1

By: Judith Berman

Building a Collection: Native Californian Basketry at the University of Pennsylvania Museum

One afternoon in April of 1905, a Pennsylvania Dutch mill owner named Henry K. Deisher stopped by the University Museum […]

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Vol. 40 / No. 1

By: Sherrie Smith-Ferri

The Development of the Commercial Market for Pomo Indian Baskets

“CANASTROMANIA” Term for “basket fever” coined by Smithsonian curator Otis Mason, from the Latin word canistra, meaning basket (1904:187) Attracted […]

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Vol. 40 / No. 1

By: Sally McLendon

Pomo Basket Weavers in the University of Pennsylvania Museum Collections

The Deisher collection in the University of Pennsylvania Museum is the best-documented single collection of California Indian baskets from the […]

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