Volume 40 / Number 2


Special Edition: The World of Ur

On The Cover: The great bull-headed lyre from Ur. Collection Object Number: B17694B UPM Neg. T4-480.

Vol. 40 / No. 2

By: Lee Horne

Ur and Its Treasures: The Royal Tombs

Alder Sumer lay in lower Mesopotamia, an arid land broken by belts of green along the banks of its canals […]

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Vol. 40 / No. 2

By: Anne Draffkorn Kilmer

The Musical Instruments from Ur and Ancient Mesopotamian Music

The nearly half million cuneiform tablets excavated from ancient Near Eastern sites provide us with ample evidence for the uses […]

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Vol. 40 / No. 2

By: Maude de Schauensee

The ‘Boat-Shaped’ Lyre: Restudy of a Unique Musical Instrument from Ur

Stringed instruments have probably been around since the first time someone stretched a gut, rawhide, or fiber string over a […]

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Vol. 40 / No. 2

By: Edward Ochsenschlager

Life on the Edge of the Marshes

In 1968, archaeologists digging at the mound of Al-Hiba in Iraq were struck by the fact that the people living […]

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Vol. 40 / No. 2

By: Steve Tinney

Texts, Tablets, and Teaching: Scribal Education in Nippur and Ur

Besides the justly famous treasures of the so-called Royal Cemetery, the site of Ur also yield­ed up to its excavators […]

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Vol. 40 / No. 2

By: Yelena Rakic

Rescue and Restoration: A History of the Philadelphia 'Ram Caught in a Thicket'

  In 1928 Sir Leonard Woolley unearthed a find that has been described by some as the most beautiful object […]

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Vol. 40 / No. 2

By: Tamsen Fuller

A Makeover for the Philadelphia ‘Ram Caught in a Thicket’

PHOTO 1. The “Ram” as it was before the new work began in May 1997. As conservators and curators discovered, […]

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Vol. 40 / No. 2

By: Jeremy A. Sabloff

Musings and Visions from the Director’s Desk – Summer 1998

The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology’s collection of materials from the excavations in the Royal Cemetery at […]

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Vol. 40 / No. 2

By: Helen Schenck

Introduction – Summer 1998

Few sites possess the lure and mystique of the  ancient Near Eastern mound of Ur, with its  imposing ziggurat and […]

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